how to hack auditions

if you get rejected from an audition, should you just practice the exact same way and try again?


to me, auditions are just a game. you prepare for audition day in a particular way, and you test that particular system of preparation by going to the audition and seeing what happens. once it's over, you carefully analyze what happened, brainstorm tweaks to your audition preparation process, and try again using a new and improved system. the most important thing you can do is tweak the details of how you actually practice.

in today's episode, i'll go over:

  • my audition journey and how i ended up winning the met opera job,

  • 3 of my favorite audition hacks, and

  • the one thing that's so much more meaningful than the result of the audition.

thanks to laura from brussels for her awesome question!

if you want to ask a question to be answered on a future episode, go to

want to nail your next audition?

here's the 5-part audition preparation method i used to win a job in the met orchestra.

the best part? it works for any instrument.

rob knopper

hailed by @nytimes as needing 'louder triangle notes'. recorded delécluse: douze études for snare drum, percussionist in @metorchestra.