summer clinic tour stop #1: interlochen

on june 17th, 2014, i had the pleasure of teaching the wonderful students at the interlochen high school percussion institute

i discussed buzz rolls, soft snare drum playing, sound concepts on xylophone, and i even played some duets with the inimitable keith aleo. see the next blog post, technique shortcomings: the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, to find out how to increase your ability and break through plateaus through determining variable elements of the technique and exploring their extremes.

a duet from keith's book, complementary percussion

a duet from keith's book, complementary percussion

want to see my complete snare drum setup?

here’s my 8-piece snare drum setup, including every piece of gear and accessory you'll need. (and it's totally audition-ready, too.)

rob knopper

hailed by @nytimes as needing 'louder triangle notes'. recorded delécluse: douze études for snare drum, percussionist in @metorchestra.